How to Get a Sharpie to Work Again

how to revive a sharpie marker

Sharpie markers are extremely useful tools that can easily exist found anywhere. However, they are decumbent to dry quickly if left untouched for a long time or without a properly sealed cap.

I know information technology must exist so frustrating when you lot need to employ a Sharpie, but it doesn't work. Usually, you would throw information technology away and buy a new 1. Nevertheless, your machine is repaired today and y'all have no style to travel to the store.

In that case, don't ditch the old Sharpie and endeavour these methods to bring a Sharpie back to life. I volition evidence you different methods on how to revive a Sharpie marking. Here is a list of what I will go through in this article:

  • 3 Types of Sharpie Markers: In that location are three kinds of base for the Sharpie markers' ink, including water-based, oil-based, and alcohol-based. It is vital that you know this data to decide on which method to revive Sharpie markers.
  • How To Know If My Sharpie Is Dried Out? You lot tin can aroma your Sharpie or wait at the colour of the marking tip to meet if information technology is possible to make a Sharpie piece of work again. If it is out of ink, there is no way to set up information technology.
  • Revive Your Markers Using Rubbing Booze: This is the almost common way to set up a dry out Sharpie. All you demand to do is to dip the marking tip directly into rubbing alcohol and let it absorb.
  • Methods That Don't Involve Rubbing Booze: Soak the tip of your Sharpie marker into warm h2o for a few minutes and apply a paper towel to remove any excess water. White vinegar tin can be used as another way to get a Sharpie to piece of work again.

Are you excited to learn how to bring your honey Sharpie marker back to life? Permit's get started with the first role!

Table of Contents

  • Three Types of Sharpie Markers
  • How to Know if My Sharpie Is Dried Out
  • Revive Your Markers Using Rubbing Alcohol
    • What You Need
    • Procedure
  • Methods That Don't Involve Rubbing Alcohol
  • Conclusion

Three Types of Sharpie Markers


Being able to identify which types of Sharpie markers y'all have is extremely important as it volition aid you make up one's mind on which products you should use to revive your markers. Here are the three categories of Sharpie ink you should know:

  • Oil-based Ink: As yous can tell from its name, the main solvent in this type of ink is oil. Thus, information technology is less likely to be damaged past h2o and goes well on non-porous surfaces. Moreover, when an oil-based mark dries, it will get waterproof. Another advantage is that if you happen to leave the marker uncapped, it takes longer to totally dry out.
  • Water-based Ink: Water is the chief solvent in the ink, and so it won't bleed through paper as much as other ink would. Furthermore, it is easier to clean upwards water-based Sharpie markers. Y'all can find these markers in a variety of colors. Additionally, they last every bit long as six months if you lot store them properly.
  • Booze-based Ink: As mentioned above, this is the most widely used blazon of Sharpie marker due to its fast-drying ability also every bit its capability of being written on multiple surfaces. However, you lot must be extremely careful with these markers as the ink evaporates speedily if you don't put the cap on subsequently usage.

Now that you accept learned the different types of Sharpies, let'due south move on to checking if your markers have run out of ink or if they tin still be revived in some ways.

How to Know if My Sharpie Is Dried Out

The next step in the tutorial is to determine whether you can yet save your marker or not. If your marker has run out of ink, you might accept to get rid of it and buy a new one. For those that are refillable, yous tin can buy the refilling ink bottles.

On the other manus, if you notice that your markers still have some ink but are dried out, proceed to the following sections for methods to revive your Sharpie.

There are two ways to make up one's mind if there is still ink remaining in your marking. First of all, observe the colour of the Sharpie marker tip. If information technology looks dark and vibrant, in that location is a high take chances that your mark is only dried and you lot can save information technology.

The 2nd method is to smell your Sharpie's tip. If you notice a strong smell of plastic or chemicals, information technology is very likely that in that location is yet ink and it needs some solvent to exist usable again.

Nevertheless, if you are not sure well-nigh the signs, just requite it a try at reviving the marking following the steps beneath.

Revive Your Markers Using Rubbing Alcohol


What Y'all Demand

Ready some materials before you get started so the process will go smoothly. You volition need a small container, such as a bottle cap, to pour some alcohol in. Rubbing alcohol with a concentration of at least 91% is a vital ingredient besides.

Information technology doesn't matter whether you use ethanol or isopropyl booze. Some newspaper towels are recommended to clean up afterward. In improver, acquit the step in an open space so the aroma of evaporated alcohol can be released.


  • Place a piece of paper on the tabular array and put the cap on top.
  • Pour a sufficient amount of alcohol into the bottle cap.
  • Remove the cap of your marking.
  • Soak the marker tip into alcohol and let it sit down for a few minutes.
  • Remove the marking from the cap and use a slice of paper to soak upwards any residuum alcohol.
  • Put the cap dorsum on and wait some other hr so the alcohol can menses evenly through the marker.

You should be able to utilise your marker at this moment. If it still doesn't work, y'all might want to repeat the steps and expect for a longer fourth dimension and so more than alcohol is absorbed.

Methods That Don't Involve Rubbing Alcohol

If your marker is not booze-based, yous might want to try these methods instead. Hither is how to fix a stale-out Sharpie without rubbing alcohol.

1. Warm Water: This method works best for markers with h2o-based ink.

  • Eddy some clean h2o and permit it cool down for a few minutes.
  • Dip the tip of your marking into the water and allow it sit for approximately 5 minutes. Refer to the steps in the previous section for more than detailed instructions.
  • Accept the marking out and use a paper towel to soak up any remaining water on the mark.

2. White Vinegar:

  • Pour a sufficient corporeality of white vinegar into a small container.
  • Dip the tip of your marker into the vinegar for a few seconds and remove it quickly. Do Non let it soak also long every bit it volition damage your marker.
  • Repeat the dipping step around 10 times.
  • Put the cap on and set the marker aside for a few hours before using it again.


So, that is everything you should know most how to revive a Sharpie marker. I think ways to revive alcohol based markers are besides worth for you to refer. I hope you have establish the technique that works for your markers. Let me know the result in the annotate department. Share this commodity with your friends and family unit equally well.


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